Colin Powell's Big War Lie
Colin Powell has been
lying when he claims that the members of the security council intended UN Resolution 1441 to be a call for war.
The first draft of 1441 authorized member states to use "ALL NECESSARY MEANS" to restore international peace and security in the area. But not all members wanted an automatic war resolution.
Objections from France, and Russia saw the final resolution remove any reference to "all necessary means" replacing it with a much softer line that Iraq will "face serious consequences" after the Security Council has met to "consider the situation". It was clear to those writting the Resolution that it does not authorize war.
Powell knew this too:
At the time when Resolution 1441 was being written,
Colin Powell explained the process:
"I can assure you if he doesn't comply this time, we are going to ask the U.N. to give authorization for all necessary means"
Donald Rumsfeld decieves the public. Rumsfeld told CNBC last November's resolution on Iraq clearly anticipated military action upon continued defiance by Iraq. "Pretty clear language, and they all knew what they were voting for. These are people who can read," Rumsfeld said. Rumsfeld is being deceptive and the media plays along. Condoleezza Rice plays the game too, "The next material breach by Saddam Hussein has got to have serious consequences. I think it's pretty clear what that may mean."
The media knows that the language was chosen to make it clear that war was not being authorized. When the Resolution that authorized the Gulf War was written it said "all necessary means"which meant war. As 1441 was being written, the words "all necessary means" were taken out and "face serious consequences" was put in.
Attack without UN authorization is illegal according to the UN Charter itself, the main International Treaty to which all nations pledge to uphold. Now Colin Powell serves the illegal war agenda and LIES by claiming that "face serious consequences" means war and he ignores the INTENTIONALLY dropped wording "ALL NECESSARY MEANS", which could have been interpreted as an authorization of war. Now he lies and he counts on the media pretending they don't remember what he said when 1441 was being written.
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